Windows to the Soul

I got introduced to Tantra 24 years ago when I’d just met my husband Chris. Honestly said, I don’t have a very detailed memory of what exactly we did in that workshop. I very well remember looking into his deep-blue eyes and enjoying that a lot. As it was a…

How Slowing Down Changed My Life

From A Cardio Nut to Low-Intensity Exerciser: How Slowing Down Changed My Life This blog post is a contribution by Anamaria Suciu. She has been attending yoga classes at Yogashala and the change she describes below definitely showed on the yoga mat!  Overall, I'm a big proponent of finding a…

Nurturing is cool!

I recently listened to a podcast published by J Brown wherein he interviews Alexandria Crow. Both are experienced yoga teachers. Amongst other subjects they talked about yoga practices that are inspired by ‘nurturing is cool!’, ‘beating yourself up is not cool!’, ‘being nice to yourself and doing good for yourself…

Being intimate

What does it mean to be intimate? Do you ask yourself this question sometimes? And if you do, how many different kinds of being intimate come to your mind? Intimacy in Yoga When I teach yoga I refer a lot to being aware of the breath and the body. It…

Making connections, on and off the yoga mat

The inspiration for this blog post Chris went to a yoga class at one of The Hague’s yoga places last week. The teacher simply walked in and started teaching. He had not asked Chris’ name, or if he had practiced yoga before. Chris has been practicing yoga since 1975. He can…

Een verstilde wereld om te ontdekken

Deze blog post is een bijdrage van Marieke Vos. Zij neemt sinds meer dan 5 jaar aan onze lessen deel en heeft yoga tot een deel van haar leven gemaakt. En deelt dit ook met enthousiasme met haar partner want met regelmaat komen zij naar de Yogashala voor een partner yoga…

Yoga als een ‘staat van zijn’

'Shape making' vs. yoga Ik las net in het blad ‘The Optimist” dat 1,6 miljoen Nederlanders aan yoga doen. 1,6 miljoen mensen nemen dus de moeite om iets te doen wat in het algemeen als yoga bekend staat. Maar hoeveel van deze 1,6 miljoen komen nou echt in een staat van…


Bandhas. Mystery. Transformation. Bliss. Last Sunday we taught a workshop 'Bandhas: The mystery unveiled'. It is a special and unique workshop that we have been teaching regularly and we love it. The bandhas are the heart of yoga. They give yoga a 'charge' that makes it different from any other form…

Being spiritual

'Yoga makes you more spiritual'. As I’ve been active in the field of yoga for many years, I’ve heard the most different reasons why people want to practice yoga. ‘Becoming more flexible’ and ‘learning to relax’ are definitely high on the list. But there’s another one: yoga makes you more…