Category: Meditatie

Of Healing And Change

I love Angel cards. Do you know these tiny affirmation cards? At the first day of our Summer vacation in the beautiful Rhodope Mountains in the south of Bulgaria, I had pulled the HEALING card.Being four weeks away from duties meant no teaching or coaching for four weeks. Spending 4…

The Wind of Change

I wrote this post "The Wind of Change" in January 2021. We are in another lockdown and only get to see each other through Zoom meetings with its screen images. It is my intention to reconnect with everyone who practices Dynamic yoga with me by sharing the latest developments regarding…

FEELING DEEPLY at the hairdresser

I love going to the hairdresser. It is one of the events every couple of months that I really look forward to. After the months of lockdown, last Friday it was hairdresser-day for me. The preparation I went to a place that I had been before but got assigned to…

It’s all about HEALING. And WHOLENESS.

It's all about Healing. And Wholeness. Dedicated to Melanie Deshaies; in union of our bright and caring souls! We are in week 6 of the Covid-19 related shutdown. All our group classes have been taking place online and will for the next 4 weeks. There's a lot going on in…


Yesterday was a day of emotional extremes. I experienced a high and a low that beat a lot of previous highs and lows I ever experienced in my life before. We are in Covid-19 lock down.  The low ...was related to several things that had happened and the story my…

Een verstilde wereld om te ontdekken

Deze blog post is een bijdrage van Marieke Vos. Zij neemt sinds meer dan 5 jaar aan onze lessen deel en heeft yoga tot een deel van haar leven gemaakt. En deelt dit ook met enthousiasme met haar partner want met regelmaat komen zij naar de Yogashala voor een partner yoga…

Yoga als een ‘staat van zijn’

'Shape making' vs. yoga Ik las net in het blad ‘The Optimist” dat 1,6 miljoen Nederlanders aan yoga doen. 1,6 miljoen mensen nemen dus de moeite om iets te doen wat in het algemeen als yoga bekend staat. Maar hoeveel van deze 1,6 miljoen komen nou echt in een staat van…


Bandhas. Mystery. Transformation. Bliss. Last Sunday we taught a workshop 'Bandhas: The mystery unveiled'. It is a special and unique workshop that we have been teaching regularly and we love it. The bandhas are the heart of yoga. They give yoga a 'charge' that makes it different from any other form…

Being spiritual

'Yoga makes you more spiritual'. As I’ve been active in the field of yoga for many years, I’ve heard the most different reasons why people want to practice yoga. ‘Becoming more flexible’ and ‘learning to relax’ are definitely high on the list. But there’s another one: yoga makes you more…

Blissful, soft, spacious and totally meant to be

Totally meant to be Yoga interests me. It shows me a different dimension of life. Underneath the functional dimension of daily life with all its pleasures and problems, (work related) activities and social relationships, lays a layer where functionality and identity do not have a place. It is an unfocused, meditative…