Welcome to our yoga world!

Lady doing yoga in Den haag

It is a world wherein the voice of the body is the loudest voice.
Authentic and high-quality, body-based content are the cornerstones in our classes. 

Our yoga world goes beyond sun salutations, warriors and crows. Sanskrit names and aesthetic goals have lost significance. 

Our understanding of yoga allows us to guide you in a unique and accessible way. We purposeful apply didactics that address the body within its current capability while recognising its biomechanics and potential. 

You will be invited to re-learn and to direct your attention within your body to increase a sense of self and awareness. With dedication and over time you will develop an inner authority, a very valuable source of confidence and strength that nobody can take away from you.

Who are we?

Chris Ramkema


Chris encountered yoga at the age of 13, by that time he practiced postures from a book. For Chris there is no yoga, no life, no love without passion and teaching yoga without passion wouldn’t work either. He transmits his knowledge with pure and heartfelt teachings that define what Yogashala is well-known for. He is a Kundalini yoga expert who loves to share!


Anke Mein


Anke’s main tool in teaching yoga is intuition. She knows the “how and why” of the approach she chooses for groups and private classes. Experience gathered over many years  has helped crystallize her perception and approach of someone’s reality and need. Anke meets people with love and compassion, seeing their strength and vulnerability.

Get an impression ahead

Aurélie Dalbiez

Private yoga classes with Anke are a unique and holistic experience. She has the extraordinary talent of knowing exactly what I need. She is simply one of a kind, I am so grateful to have met her, she has taught me so much in so little time. I am moving abroad and already know I will find no other yoga teacher like her. One of the most impactful encounters in years!

Edward Warrillow

Yogashala has taught me a yoga practice I will take with me wherever I go. Chris and Anke carefully teach the basics to every student for a practice where details matter and minor adjustments can reveal the full experience of a pose. This passion and attention for their students is a signature of their group classes.

Veronika S.

Anke’s voice is a calming and relaxing, yet clear and understandable guide to your lessons. I have done both, the group classes and individual classes with her, and can totally recommend both. Even after my departure from The Hague, I decided to join the online lessons as it´s so hard to find an adequate substitute!

Trial class

Yoga is a great, effective and one of many tools to create and maintain health.

HEALTH IS REALLY COMPELLING, it is clearly the most important foundation of all that you are doing in your life. Everything we can define as a rich, fulfilled, content, attractive and successful life does not exist without that foundation.

Investing in your health is clearly the most lucrative investment any of us could make.

You can attend a class for trial. Call us at 06 237 387 51, or get in touch at our contact page.

Private yoga classes

The world is continuously changing and so is the way we live with each other. Stress levels tend to increase and the fear of change and uncertainty regularly slips into our lives. Enhancing and embodying resilience, reflection, calm and peacefulness are very much needed ingredients in everyday life. Yoga one-on-one can highly contribute to this as there’s time and space to narrow down what exactly it is you need.

I offer genuine guidance and support – verbally, hands-on and with all my heart. I have the ability and years of experience to choose a targeted approach and my strong intuition contributes to a great extent.

I am looking forward to meeting you!
Best regards,


Chris Ramkema & Anke Mein
Ten Hovestraat 8 (Statenkwartier)
2582 RL Den Haag
06 237 387 51