Private yoga classes

Yogashala den haag

Health is compelling, isn’t it?

Yoga is a great, effective and one of many tools to create and maintain health.

Health is really compelling, it is clearly the most important foundation of all that you are doing in your life. Everything we can define as a rich, fulfilled, content, attractive and successful life does not exist without that foundation.

Investing in your health is clearly the most lucrative investment any of us could make. Welcome to the private class experience at Yogashala!

Tailor-made, detailed and to the point

I will transform your decision for private yoga classes into me-time that simultaneously represents quality-time. My on-the-spot choice for each class’ content will be based on a short reflection of previous experiences and what you are in need of.
You can think of, for example:

  • a guided sequence of movement and postures for RELAXATION
  • gain CLARITY about your state of being, thinking and feeling
  • build RESILIENCE for the challenges ahead of you
  • shift your MINDSET when feeling overwhelmed by i.e. uncertainty, chaos, confusion and anxiety
  • simply move, stretch, become aware of, feel and enjoy your BODY and pay attention to your BREATH
  • ventilate what’s on your HEART to clarify, or recognise, what FREEDOM feels like.

About the teacher

My name is Anke. I was born and raised in the historically loaded, and these days unbelievably trendy, city of Berlin, Germany. I have been living in The Netherlands since 1991. As of 2006, I have dedicated most of my time, effort and love in collaboration with my partner Chris, to Yogashala. When you choose for private classes, you will be guided and taught by me.

I have built a wide experience in teaching yoga effectively and am one of the few Senior Dynamic yoga teachers worldwide. My passion for teaching yoga in a private setting professionally reflects in my ability to choose the best teaching technique for the individual in that moment, based on my ability to assess the situation, experience and strong intuition.

A life-long interest in health and self-healing whereof yoga became one of the corner stones, is apparent in my direct and non-conventional approach of every program that I start with a client. According to the client’s need I might additionally suggest the application of Systemic work,  Coaching and Chinese Medicine to enhance the process.

You can read about the impact of my teachings at our review page and Blog.

First encounter & get in touch

I am happy to have a first encounter by arranging an introductory meeting in person. You can call/WhatsApp to 06 237 387 51, send an email or use the contact form at our website.

Our weekly schedule shows which (parts of the) days per week I dedicate to private yoga classes.

I am looking forward to meeting and teaching you!
Best regards,