Yoga introduction session

Yogashala den haag

For beginners and everyone curious about yoga @ Yogashala

Are you curious about yoga and if it is suitable for you? Our introduction session is designed for anyone new to yoga.

You’ll get a taste of yoga practice in general and the differentiation between a quiet practice and a practice that is based on movement and actions. The session will give you an idea about what it is you’re really looking for in terms of the available approaches to yoga practice.


As Yin yoga is an easy and pretty much accessible approach to yoga practice, you’re most welcome to join the ongoing weekly classes Yin yoga afterwards.

Experience has taught us that joining Dynamic yoga classes most effectively bears its fruits when investing time and effort to learn, practice and eventually embody the basics of this highly effective yoga practice. A private class approach can provide that. Nevertheless, everyone is free to put themselves through the learning process in a group setting by absorbing the necessary basics and eventually the refinements in their own pace.

All Dynamic yoga classes are taught by Dynamic yoga senior teacher Anke.

Dates and times next introduction sessions

To be announced! You can send us a registration (see the button below) to express your interest. Thank you!

Costs: € 25,-

Timely registration will guarantee your place!